

The Start of a New Year

Whenever I use phrases such as “this year” or “last year,” I tend to confuse at least a few people. For most a new year begins in January, but for me it begins in September. It’s a leftover result from over a dozen years as a teacher and before that, […]

September 5, 2017

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10 Random Thoughts and Takeaways from #RWA17

I just returned from the annual RWA conference, which concluded yesterday. As an extreme introvert, I’ll need at least a week to recover. However, I can easily say (like I do every year) it was the highlight of my year. I absolutely love this conference. Here’s my ten random thoughts […]

July 31, 2017

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My Facebook Detox

Society spends way too much time on social media. I’m definitely one of the guilty. So I decided to take a break from Facebook. I’d planned to make notes all week about how I felt about the detox, but that proved unnecessary because I didn’t really miss it. That’s right. […]

July 12, 2017

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My “Super Secret Project” Revealed

So I’ve been sitting on one heck of a secret for a while now. I’m talking so secret I didn’t even tell my family. And here it is… I’m collaborating on a book with James Patterson! James FREAKING Patterson!!!!!!!!!!! I’m not a believer in multiple exclamation marks, but if any […]

March 21, 2016

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Mission Accomplished: Agent Acquired

So this happened today. I’m happy to officially announce that I’m now represented by Sarah Younger of the Nancy Yost Literary Agency. (It’s been on Twitter, so it must be for real, right? Still pinching myself.)     Of course, I’ve been keeping it a secret until the official announcement, […]

September 11, 2014

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