Interview by Abbie Roads
I’m the Writer on the Couch today over at the fab Abbie Roads’ blog. Check it out here. (It’s funny and serious and everything in between!)
I’m the Writer on the Couch today over at the fab Abbie Roads’ blog. Check it out here. (It’s funny and serious and everything in between!)
Asa and I first met when we both finaled in the Golden Heart in 2014. Later that year, we became agent sisters when we both signed with the amazing Sarah Younger. Since then, Asa and I have taken New Jersey, Florida, and Mexico by storm! I can’t wait to see what […]
Today’s the release of Letting Go, my first book! Okay, I lied, on two counts. I’m writing this the night before my release date because I still have a day job—those teenagers won’t teach themselves—so I won’t have time to write a blog on my actual release date. Count two? […]
I’m over at the See Jane Publish blog today. Check it out!
Big news! I can now call myself a professional author! That’s right, people! My Golden Heart book has sold to Entangled to be part of their Embrace line. I have waited years to make this announcement. It took a lot of time, tears, and effort. As any writer can tell […]
So I didn’t win the Golden Heart. To people not in the RWA community, this may seem like a huge disappointment. And don’t get me wrong–I would have been thrilled if I had won, but as any Golden Heart finalist will tell you, finaling is winning. All the GH nominees […]
It is my pleasure to reveal the cover for my Golden Heart sister Amy Patrick’s debut novel, Channel 20Something, releasing August 12. 22-year-old Heidi Haynes is almost one year into her “real life.” She has her first reporting job and her first apartment, but she’s yet to experience first love. Yes, she’s in a comfortable […]
I’m being interviewed on the Firebirds blog today by my good friend, Terri Osburn! Read it here.
The Writing Process Blog Tour stops here! I was tagged last week by the lovely Amy DeLuca, my 2014 Golden Heart® sister. Amy writes young adult and has a new adult series launching this summer. You can find her at Here we go! What am I working on? I’m […]