

The Start of a New Year

Whenever I use phrases such as “this year” or “last year,” I tend to confuse at least a few people. For most a new year begins in January, but for me it begins in September. It’s a leftover result from over a dozen years as a teacher and before that, […]

September 5, 2017

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Ten Little Things That Make Me Happy

1. The smell of old library books 2. Opening a brand new box of crayons 3. When my total word count at the end of a writing session ends in 00 4. Not having to leave my house on a rainy day 5. Singing along with my favorite songs 6. […]

August 29, 2017

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Saying Goodbye to 2015

Wait, what? Where did 2015 go? I must have blinked or something! It was a wild year for me—definitely a year of change, something that has scared me in the past but that I’m learning to embrace. I’m taking a page out of the lovely Marie Meyer’s book and giving […]

December 31, 2015

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Happy Halloween!

With Halloween season comes pumpkins, costumes, five extra pounds of Halloween candy binge eating weight, and reruns of classic horror movies. The first two are great, I’ve resigned myself to the third, but the fourth one makes me cringe. I distinctly remember watching Interview with the Vampire when I was […]

October 28, 2015

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Obviously, it wasn’t blogging! LOL! I kept super busy this summer, spending most of my time writing. I wrote one and a half books! In fact, I just sent the completed one off to my editor this morning. I’m impressed with myself considering I also had my two boys (ages […]

September 8, 2015

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Interview by Abbie Roads

I’m the Writer on the Couch today over at the fab Abbie Roads’ blog. Check it out here. (It’s funny and serious and everything in between!)

August 13, 2015

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Guest Blogging on Ramblings from this Chick

Would you believe I once was a NARC? Hard to believe, but true. I’m talking about it today over at the Ramblings from this Chick blog. There’s also a copy of Letting Go up for grabs, so check it out!

June 24, 2015

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School’s Out For Summer! School’s Out Forever!

Today marks my last day as a teacher. It’s the end of an era for me. I’ve spent the past eleven years as a public school teacher, the first two of those at a middle school and the remaining nine at the same high school. Before that I taught college […]

June 11, 2015

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