New Covers for the Carolina Banks series
Check them out!
Check them out!
Check out the new covers for The Elemental Saga. I love them so much!
I’m pleased to announce that False Start is a finalist in the Romance Writers of America’s inaugural Vivian contest. Woohoo! I’m honored the judges thought so highly of my book. Carson might be my favorite VVU player. (But shhh…don’t tell Wyatt, Jake, or Justin!) False Start is in awesome company. […]
via GIPHY It’s official…Letting Go is up for the Colorado Romance Writers’ Award of Excellence. Woohoo! Thanks to the chapter for putting on the contest and the judges for taking time out of their busy schedules to read. The formal announcement is here.
So I’ve been sitting on one heck of a secret for a while now. I’m talking so secret I didn’t even tell my family. And here it is… I’m collaborating on a book with James Patterson! James FREAKING Patterson!!!!!!!!!!! I’m not a believer in multiple exclamation marks, but if any […]
I’m super excited to introduce my alter ego, Jessica Linden! The Jessica Linden books are faster paced and a lot sexier, hence the need to separate them from my Jessica Ruddick books. The first Jessica Linden book will be coming soon from St. Martin’s Press.
One of my early beta readers for Letting Go told me I needed to tell Josh’s story. I was like “huh?” But the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was true! He’s a totally fun character and a lot deeper than he seems on the surface. […]
Today marks my last day as a teacher. It’s the end of an era for me. I’ve spent the past eleven years as a public school teacher, the first two of those at a middle school and the remaining nine at the same high school. Before that I taught college […]
Today’s the release of Letting Go, my first book! Okay, I lied, on two counts. I’m writing this the night before my release date because I still have a day job—those teenagers won’t teach themselves—so I won’t have time to write a blog on my actual release date. Count two? […]