Guest Blogging on Ramblings from this Chick
Would you believe I once was a NARC? Hard to believe, but true. I’m talking about it today over at the Ramblings from this Chick blog. There’s also a copy of Letting Go up for grabs, so check it out!
Would you believe I once was a NARC? Hard to believe, but true. I’m talking about it today over at the Ramblings from this Chick blog. There’s also a copy of Letting Go up for grabs, so check it out!
Today marks my last day as a teacher. It’s the end of an era for me. I’ve spent the past eleven years as a public school teacher, the first two of those at a middle school and the remaining nine at the same high school. Before that I taught college
Asa and I first met when we both finaled in the Golden Heart in 2014. Later that year, we became agent sisters when we both signed with the amazing Sarah Younger. Since then, Asa and I have taken New Jersey, Florida, and Mexico by storm! I can’t wait to see what
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